Handling stressful situations with employees, co-workers and residents/patients or their family members can be daunting and scaring. Being able to identify stressors in the workplace and in staff or co-workers, how to relieve stress, how important humor is in the workplace and what to do about stress in the workplace can be extremely important, even the key, to creating a successful and not stressful work environment.
Stress, Stress, and More Stress! (1.5 Credits)
Total Price$23.00
Handling stressful situations with employees, co-workers and residents/patients or their family members can be daunting and scaring. Being able to identify stressors in the workplace and in staff or co-workers, how to relieve stress, how important humor is in the workplace and what to do about stress in the workplace can be extremely important, even the key, to creating a successful and not stressful work environment.