Transportation in LTC (.75 Credits)

————Transportation in LTC (.75 Credits)
————Transportation in LTC (.75 Credits)

Transportation in LTC (.75 Credits)

Total Price$15.00

Resident transportation is a vital part of any long-term care operation. No matter whether the organization is a skilled nursing facility or a continuing care retirement community, the need for adequate and appropriate transportation is dictated not only by basic resident consideration, but by state and federal statutes. The federal Health and Human Services Requirements for Long- term Care Facilities, 42 CFR Part 483, Subpart B in part states that the facility must “assist the resident by arranging for transportation to and from the dentist’s office…” While this specific requirement does not dictate a requirement for the facility to operate and maintain transportation, it is responsible for arranging transportation for certain medical necessities. Transportation of long-term care residents can be a difficult issue since the transportation of elderly, especially the frail elderly, can create unique demands. Most facilities operate or rent/lease a vehicle that is used primarily for medical transport to and from not only dental appointments but other off site services such as medical specialists.

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Resident transportation is a vital part of any long-term care operation. No matter whether the organization is a skilled nursing facility or a continuing care retirement community, the need for adequate and appropriate transportation is dictated not only by basic resident consideration, but by state and federal statutes. The federal Health and Human Services Requirements for Long- term Care Facilities, 42 CFR Part 483, Subpart B in part states that the facility must “assist the resident by arranging for transportation to and from the dentist’s office…” While this specific requirement does not dictate a requirement for the facility to operate and maintain transportation, it is responsible for arranging transportation for certain medical necessities. Transportation of long-term care residents can be a difficult issue since the transportation of elderly, especially the frail elderly, can create unique demands. Most facilities operate or rent/lease a vehicle that is used primarily for medical transport to and from not only dental appointments but other off site services such as medical specialists.

Total Price$15.00 Add to cart