The NHA Stand-Up Administrator Bundle (40 NAB-Approved Credits)

————The NHA Stand-Up Administrator Bundle (40 NAB-Approved Credits)
————The NHA Stand-Up Administrator Bundle (40 NAB-Approved Credits)

The NHA Stand-Up Administrator Bundle (40 NAB-Approved Credits)

Total Price Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $295.00.

Need a 40-hour bundle specifically designed for your NHA license?  These courses never expire and were created just for you!

SKU: CE-NHAStandUp Category: Tag:


Do you need NAB-approved NHA CEUs (40 credits)? Look no further! The NHA Stand-Up Bundle is specifically designed to meet your needs. Includes Ethics, Infection Control, and Patient Care Units to meet state requirements.

The NHA Stand-up Administrator Bundle includes the following courses (CEU hours bracketed):

  • The Science of Aging (6 Credits)
  • Infection Control & Standard Precautions (4.5 Patient Care Credits)
  • The Neurological Effects of Caffeine (3.5 Credits)
  • Managing and Communicating with Dementia Residents (3 Patient Care Credits)
  • Nutrition in LTC Facilities (3.25 Credits)
  • Falls in the Elderly (2.75 Patient Care Credits)
  • Understanding COPD (2 Patient Care Credits)
  • How Important Is Leadership in LTC? (2 Credits)
  • TIA & Stroke (2.25 Patient Care Credits)
  • Medical Ethics in LTC (2.25 Credits)
  • Ethics, Are They Important and Why? (2 Ethics Credits)
  • Understanding HIPAA and Its Ethics (2 Ethics Credits)
  • Alzheimer’s & Dementia (2 Patient Care Credits)
  • Performance Appraisals (1.75 Credits)
  • Medication Errors: Can Be Deadly (.75 Patient Care Credit)

TOTAL: 40 Credits of NAB Approved CEUs – 4.5 Infection Control,  6.25 Ethics, and 15.25 Patient Care Credit Hours

You can always contact us if you have any questions (click here for the Contact page).

Total Price Original price was: $395.00.Current price is: $295.00. Add to cart