Image Course Description Price Created On Last Updated On categories_ID
Accessibility: It's more than the Americans with Disabilities Act (2.25 Credits)(CE-1010) Accessibility is often described in terms of overcoming impediments for physically disabled individuals as specified by the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These requirements are often considered synonymous with the requirements of accessibility. While these mandated regulations are certainly part of the broader accessibility question, they reflect only a portion of the true intent of long-term care accessibility. Accessibility is more than overcoming physical barriers. It is overcoming a wide range of issues, including financial and social barriers and emotional and physical impediments. 33.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
Activities: So Much More than Bingo (1.25 Credits)(CE-1012) Bingo is a wonderful game. It allows the player to use his or her cognitive skills in an interesting but limited manner. The element of chance is always present and the social interaction that occurs between players nurtures and strengthens relationships. But can long-term care facilities do more to enable residents both mentally as well as socially? By its nature, long-term care can potentially create extended periods of inactivity for residents. Through imagination and ingenuity by staff, family as well as residents, the activity venues of a long-term care facility can become the shining star in the organization's programming. 18.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
Alzheimer's & Dementia (2 Credits)(CE-1014) Mid-to-late stage Alzheimer's and dementia can present challenging behavior problems. Patients often feel anger, confusion, fear and sadness, which can present itself in aggressive and sometime violent behavior. Enhance your ability to care for these residents by: recognizing characteristics of a confused resident, identifying common behavior problems, stating common interventions for positive behavioral outcomes, listing the three stages of Alzheimer’s disease, describe how to interact with a confused resident and identifying at least three ways to care for the confused resident. 30.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
A Guide to Housekeeping (1.25 Credits)(CE-1016) One of the very first impressions that visitors and prospective residents have of a long-term care facility is its cleanliness, whether actual or perceived. No matter how friendly a receptionist or how helpful the marketing representative, a prospective resident and his or her family may have second thoughts about the quality of care that a facility offers if they feel uncomfortable sitting in a dirty or sticky chair with obvious signs of neglect. Although most people do not inspect a facility with white gloves and a magnifying glass, almost all will be very observant of the perceived attention, or inattention, given to the cleanliness of the facility. Learn the importance of housekeeping and tips and tricks for improving the facility's cleanliness. 18.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
A Guide to Abuse (1.25 Credits)(CE-1018) Several years ago, “help me, I’ve fallen and can’t get up” was an expression used as a marketing tool by an emergency response system company to demonstrate the vulnerability of elders during falls and other health emergencies. It has, to some generations, become a symbol of this vulnerability and the importance of maintaining constant vigilance for the well being of long-term care residents. This care includes not only the elderly, but also the physically as well as mentally disabled. 18.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
A Guide to Maintenance (2.75 Credits)(CE-1020) Successful administrators of long-term care facilities are caring men and women who enjoy working with people and providing for the welfare and comfort of their residents. Many, but not all, of these caring individuals come from backgrounds that have direct patient contact. Few are engineers. Most administrators have little or no experience in the "hard sciences" of engineering and lack any significant knowledge in maintaining the physical part of their long-term care facility. Insulation "R-Factors", plumbing "P"-traps, and heating, ventilation and cooling (HVAC) systems are as foreign to the average administrator as speaking a foreign language.... and to many… more boring!!! Increase your understanding of the various aspects of facility maintenance. 42.00 11/08/2018 07/14/2022 4
Basics of Medical Ethics and Advance Directives (1.25 Credits)(CE-1022) Medical ethics is a system of moral principles that apply values to the practice of climinal medicine and in scientific research.  An advance directives is a legal document in which a person specifies what actions should be taken for their health if they are no longer able to make decisions for themselves. Upon completion of this program, participants will have a better understand of the importance of confidentiality, the duties, responsibilities and requirements of health care professionals, when disclosures are appropriate, how advance care planning differs from advance directives, advanced directives currently available and the legality of advance directives. 18.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Assisted Living Medications (1.25 Credits)(CE-1024) Adults over the age of 65 buy 30% of all prescription drugs and 40% of all over-the-counter drugs.  However, many drug companies are still in the process of adopting measures to ensure drugs are appropriate for the elderly (such as including elderly subjects in drug studies). Upon completion of this program, participants should be able to understand the caregiver’s role in medication management for assisted living residents, define the importance of awareness, observation, and reporting in medication management, identify the guidelines for monitoring medication management and describe the purpose and possible side effects of the most common medications. 18.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Be Prepared for a Disaster (1.50 Credits)(CE-1026) "Be Prepared" has been the Boy Scout motto for approximately one hundred years. As nursing home administrators, we should take note of this slogan and apply it to the daily administration of our facilities. Being prepared is more than having the right tools to meet any contingency. Being prepared is also having the right attitude, the right training and the right forethought to meet and hopefully overcome potential challenges. This is no less true in the healthcare environment than it is in the life of a scout. There are no problems in the healthcare business… just challenges. It is the administrator's task to be prepared to meet those challenges. 23.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Biological and Chemical Warfare (3.5 Credits)(CE-1028) Biological and chemical warfare--also known as germ warfare--is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.  Upon completion of this program, participants will know and understand the history of biological and chemical warfare, identify different biological and chemical agents, understand the most common biological agents, recognize the signs and symptoms of exposure, and establish procedures to diagnose, treat isolate and decontaminate. 53.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
The Neurological Effects of Caffeine (3.5 Credits)(CE-1030) Most caffeine consumed comes from dietary sources such as coffee, tea, cola drinks, and chocolate. These popular items can impact sleep, memory, cognition, wakefulness, mood, performance, and more. Coffee is enjoyed by millions of people around the world and is one of the most extensively researched components in the diet. New studies are regularly being added to the already large body of scientific research. Taken overall, the research indicates that moderate coffee consumption (typically 3-5 cups per day) fits well with a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle. 53.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
CCRCs: A Bridge Across Generations (1.25 Credits)(CE-1032) The Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) has become an attractive alternative to the traditional institutionalized nursing home environment. The concept of the CCRC, while having gradually evolved over the last forty to fifty years, presents many positive aspects to the aging process, both psychologically as well as physically. These communities, among many other attributes, allow a graceful psychological transition into the "golden years" of retirement while simultaneously ensuring that the very real physical needs of the elderly are met. There are, however, many challenges in designing and staffing these communities in the years ahead. 18.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Cool Tools for Collaboration (2 Credits)(CE-1034) The prime objective of collaboration is to achieve the goals of an organization more effectively and efficiently. Collaboration is a working practice whereby individuals work together to achieve an established goal. Collaborative arrangements are an important tool in the effective management of nursing homes. Moreover, research shows that because of the complexity of medical care, coupled with the inherent limitations of human performance, it is critically important that clinicians and their staff have standardized communication tools to create an environment in which individuals can speak up and express concerns. The adoption of collaborative processes is an effective approach to enhance teamwork and reduce risks, improving quality patient care. 30.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Understanding COPD (2 Credits)(CE-1036) COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Emphysema, damaged or enlarged air sacs, and chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bronchial tube lining, are the two most common conditions that contribute to COPD. Asthma is the narrowing and swelling of the airways, which produces extra mucus.  These breathing related issues become increasingly common among the elderly as the respiratory muscles weaken with age. Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to understand the disease process, signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, misconceptions, treatment, therapy, and prognosis. 30.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Death & Dying in Today's Society (1 Credit)(CE-1038) The conept of death is often more "real" to the elderly, many of whom say they "take each day as it comes." Understanding the notions and emotions of patients in relation to death is an important aspect of managing their care. Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to understand their own attitudes towards death and dying, generally how to identify residents' attitudes towards death and dying, support individual residents nearing death, and understand the signs of approaching death. 15.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Ethics, Are They Important and Why? (2 Credits)(CE-1040) Ethics are moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. Ethics in the medical field, especially dealing with the care of another human being, are of the utmost importance. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to understand the importance of ethics, ask questions to identify residents' ethical principles, communicate ethics in the workplace, establish ethical behavior among their colleagues and identify medical dilemmas. Additionally, the course provides examples of medical dilemmas and how they were dealt with. 30.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Falls in the Elderly (2.75 Credits)(CE-1042) A fall can be defined as "unintentionally coming to rest on the ground or other lower level with or without consciousness." Age-related changes and disease have an impact on an older person's ability to maintain balance. Falls in the elderly population remain an increasing and ongoing problem. Cognitive impairment, various medications and changes in a person's environment all appear to contribute to increased risk of falls. Falls in the older population are public health and community problems with adverse physical, medical, psychological, social and economic consequences. Some of the consequences are disability and deformity, curtailment of routine social activities, fear of repeated falls, cost of medical care associated with injuries and loss of income. 42.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
How Important is Leadership in LTC? (2 Credits)(CE-1044) The influence of leaders on nursing home care and culture is an important issue in health care. Previous nursing home care studies linked staff management to nursing home care quality. Nursing home managers and leaders need to be knowledgeable about their residents’ medical conditions and be capable of providing quality care. In addition to addressing resident-specific needs, nursing home managers must have effective leadership qualities, conduct employee screenings or talent assessments prior to hiring and train staff on proper care and attitude when dealing with resident needs and ailments. Thus, knowledge of leadership skills and how to work with teams is important in the provision of health care as well as ways of becoming an effective leader. 30.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
How to Manage Depression in the Elderly (.5 Credits)(CE-1046) Depression is not a normal part of aging. However, major depression affects approximately 10-20% of the world’s population in the course of a lifetime. The National Institute of Mental Health has called depression among the elderly a "serious public health concern." 25% of elderly people experience periods of persistent sadness that lasts two weeks or longer. In nursing homes, approximately 20% of the residents are clinically depressed.  Upon completion, participants should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression, characteristics, treatment, medication, and prognosis. 7.50 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Infection Control & Standard Precautions (4.5 Credits)(CE-1048) Health and social care settings can provide a challenging environment in which to manage risks associated with the transfer of micro-organisms from patient to patient or between the environment, equipment, staff and patients. It is estimated that up to 10% of hospitalized patients acquire an infection after admission to hospital. Hospital acquired infection is a serious health hazard as it leads to increased patients’ morbidity, longer length of hospital stays and significantly increased costs. Hence, it is important to minimize the risk of spread of infection to patients and staff in hospital by implementing good infection control program and universal precautions. 65.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Managing and Communicating with Dementia Residents (3 Credits)(CE-1050) Dementia is a very common disease seen all around the world among elderly population. However, managing and communicating with dementia residents can be very difficult. Gaining a knowledge of dementia, causes of dementia, stages and types of dementia, medications and therapies of dementia and much more will help you be able to better management dementia residents and safely deal with the complications that dementia residents face. 45.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Medical Ethics in LTC (2.25 Credits)(CE-1052) Throughout history, taking care of the elderly has always been considered not only an obligation, but an extremely noble endeavor. However, changes in society have reduced the number of extended family members willing to care for aging loved ones in their own homes. Many societies have adapted well to this challenge of having inadequate home or domestic support for the elderly by establishing long term care facilities for the elderly. However, we still have much to learn about the best approach to caring for loved ones in long-term care facility. 33.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Medication Errors: An Overview (2.25 Credits)(CE-1054) Medication safety is a major focus of the healthcare world. Unfortunately, however, many patients suffer from medication errors that result in serious complications, even death. By learning more about medication errors as it relates to patient safety and quality of care, healthcare administrators and clinicians can increase their ability to reduce complications and problems that result from medication errors. Errors can occur at any step along the way, from prescribing to the ultimate provision of the drug to the patient. Administering, recommending and/or prescribing a medication requires knowledge, technical skills and judgment. By understand as much as possible about medications, healthcare professionals, will be able to improve client care environment systems and structures that support and facilitate safe medication practice. 33.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Medication Errors: Can Be Deadly (.75 Credits)(CE-1056) The Institute of Medicine's report in 1999 "To Err Is Human" brought to the forefront of public attention the millions of injuries and nearly 100,000 deaths attributed to medical errors annually. While medication errors can often be harmless, many errors have the potential to cause patient harm or worse lead to death. Research in non-medical domains have emphasized human factors and systems approaches to understanding and preventing errors and accidents. Using the models, system- focused, multi-disciplinary approaches have been useful for categorizing serious errors. Most errors occur during the ordering and the administration phases of the medication process. We can reduce medication error related patient harm and deaths by improving our understanding of medical errors and developing prevention strategies and prevention systems. 12.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Mental Illness in the Elderly (3.5 Credits)(CE-1058) Mental health and emotional well-being are as important in older age as at any other time of life. Most older people have good mental health, but older people are more likely to experience events that affect emotional well-being, such as bereavement or disability. Studies show that seniors are at greater risk of some mental disorders and their complications than younger people, and many of these illnesses can be accurately diagnosed and treated. Assessing the mental health needs of older people requires an understanding of the complex interaction between specific medical conditions and social circumstances. Many people don’t understand mental illness or even acknowledge its existence. Some seniors are ashamed or frightened by their symptoms or believe that they are an inevitable part of aging. Often, seniors, their loved ones and friends, and even their doctors fail to recognize the symptoms of treatable mental illness. 53.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Modern Trends in LTC (1.5 Credits)(CE-1060) The healthcare field is constantly changing. Many factors cause these changes, from government oversight and regulation to new and developing studies into best practices in patient care. Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to understand the types of long-term care facilities, the services these facilities provide, the trends in the future. How to retain and attract new employees to this type of setting. The aging population geographically and their needs. Issues that need to be addressed, and the future of long term care. 23.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Performance Appraisals (1.75 Credits)(CE-1062) A performance appraisal also referred to as a performance review, performance evaluation, (career) development discussion or employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated. Performance appraisals are a part of career development and consist of regular reviews of employee performance within organizations. A performance appraisal should motivate an employee to better performance by helping him understand why he needs to move away from poor performance or toward critical objectives. As in many other areas of business management, experts stand divided between the pros and cons of performance appraisals. Understanding the process and methods of conducting a performance appraisal is essential to draw out its strengths and weaknesses. 26.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Resident Relations in LTC (.75 Credits)(CE-1064) At the core of healthcare is a desire to help people. Unfortunately, many care professionals struggle to build strong or meaningful relationships with residents or patients. Additionally, residents sometimes struggle building meaningful relationships with each other. Understanding the generations served in long-term care facilities can help healthcare professionals better serve and care for patients and residents and promote healthier relationships in long-term care. 12.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Residents' Rights in LTC (1.25 Credits)(CE-1066) Healthcare professionals have an important role in implementing and ensuring residents' rights are respected. Having an understanding of what rights a resident has and how to accommodate these rights can help healthcare professionals ensure compliance with legal requirements while improving the care provided to patients. 18.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Resource Conservation for the LTC Administrator (1.5 Credits)(CE-1068) The responsibilities of a long-term care administrators are varied, but generally include the oversight of the physical, emotional, and mental condition of residents or patients entrusted to their care. Their responsibilities do not, of course, end with resident care, but also include a wide range of other activities including the financial well-being of the facility, the safety and security of the physical plant as well as the occupants of the facility, whether they are staff, residents or visitors. Beyond this, however, with some training and good old-fashioned common sense, administrators can easily become conservation professionals in addition to healthcare professionals. 23.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Security in LTC Facilities (1 Credit)(CE-1070) Every employee of a healthcare facility has a responsibility to residents/patients, other staff and visitors to keep them safe from criminal and dangerous activities. Additionally, facility management has a responsibility to ensure that the physical plant is protected from fire, vandalism and other detrimental occurrences. Common sense drives the majority of security decisions within a long-term care facility. However, there are some guidelines that should be respected when developing a sound security program within any organization and additional items unique to the healthcare facilities that should be considered like configuration of the existing physical plant, availability of funding and staffing, and, of course, the overall community environment in which the facility is located. 15.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Stress, Stress, and More Stress! (1.5 Credits)(CE-1072) Handling stressful situations with employees, co-workers and residents/patients or their family members can be daunting and scaring. Being able to identify stressors in the workplace and in staff or co-workers, how to relieve stress, how important humor is in the workplace and what to do about stress in the workplace can be extremely important, even the key, to creating a successful and not stressful work environment. 23.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
The Science of Aging (6 Credits)(CE-1076) Aging is a syndrome of changes that are deleterious, progressive, universal and thus far irreversible. It represents the accumulation of changes in a human being over time, encompassing physical, psychological, and social change. As with anything, the more we learn about a subject the better equipped we become at handing its various challenges and surprises. The Science of Aging truly is fascinating and worth detailed study. (NOTE: For Florida licensed administrators - CE Broker has approved this course for 5 CEUs. All other states - this course is approved by NAB for 6.5 CEUs) 80.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
TIA & Stroke (2.25 Credits)(CE-1078) Management of patients with a risk of stroke has always been an important issue for healthcare professionals. To improve the patient outcomes, healthcare providers must focus on the potential benefits of improving stroke management at the primary and secondary levels. Improve their systems, training and incorporating good teamwork with interdisciplinary cooperation is key to responding quickly and correctly to strokes and executing the rehabilitation of a stroke patient. 33.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Use of Restraints and Behavioral Management (.5 Credits)(CE-1080) Ensuring the safety of residents/patients is a high priority for healthcare professionals. What is the best way to ensure safety? There are various types of restraints- including belts, vests, bed rails and specialized chairs that have commonly been used in the past to prevent falls and injuries. But understanding when and why we use restraints, different type of restraints, attitudes about restraints, complications of restraints and what can be done to avoid restraints is key to ensuring safety is actually increased. 7.50 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
Violence in the Workplace (.75 Credits)(CE-1082) Violence has been with us from the beginning of time. One can only look back at the history of mankind to see how acts of Violence has unfortunately been used as the answer to many of our problems. This should never be the case in our workplace environment. By defining the meaning of workplace violence, identify causes of workplace violence, discuss methods of confronting workplace violence and understanding the importance of educating staff on workplace violence we can reduce the risk and tragedy of violence in the workplace. 12.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
What's Cooking? An Operational Perspective into LTC Dining (1 Credit)(CE-1084) Although Dining Services is currently the second major factor when prospective residents choose a long-term care facility, it may be one of the most misunderstood entities within the healthcare industry. This may be attributed to misplaced familiarity of the craft. Who, within any long-term care community has ever prepared a meal? Anyone can theoretically prepare a meal for a family of four, but to do so for a "family" the size of an average long-term care facility is by far a more serious challenge. 15.00 11/12/2018 07/14/2022 4
When Should We Renovate? (1 Credit)(CE-1086) Sometimes the decision as to whether or not a long-term care facility should renovate its physical plant becomes a question of necessity rather than one of choice. The senior care industry is a dynamic environment that requires constant attention to market trends, technological advances, customer desires. But deciding to renovate is much easier said than done, learning the challenges and best practices of this process will help you successfully navigate facility renovations. 15.00 11/12/2018 07/22/2022 4
Understanding HIPAA and its Ethics (2 Credits)(CE-1092) HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. At its core, HIPAA is an issue of medical ethics. Properly following HIPAA laws is vital to the integrity and success of any healthcare organization. A patient’s privacy is very important. A breach of this information is breaking the law, and there are strict penalties. Disclosing personal information about a client is both illegal and unethical, and every company should have policies in place and review the information with all personnel on a continuing basis.  30.00 04/29/2021 07/15/2022 4
Nutrition in LTC Facilities (3.25 Credits)(CE-1096) The key to good health lies in maintaining balanced food nutrition. Healthy eating is practically obtaining getting the precise amount of nutrients – protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals an individual needs to maintain good health. Various nutrition guides were published by medical and governmental establishments to educate the public on what they should be eating to promote health. One of these prominent designs led to a new guide which advanced formulation of the “food pyramid.” A food pyramid or diet pyramid is a pyramid-shaped diagram representing the optimal number of servings to be eaten each day from each of the basic food groups. The food pyramid calls for eating a variety of foods to get nutrients a person need and at the same time the right amount of calories to maintain or improve his weight. 50.00 04/29/2021 07/14/2022 4
Safety in the Workplace (1 Credit)(CE-1097) As all good managers understand, the key to any successful enterprise is a well- trained and dedicated workforce. It doesn't occur by accident. As employers, we need to demonstrate, on a regular basis, our sincere concern for all our employees, recognizing their individual differences while also acknowledging the need for professional cohesion. Perhaps one of the most dramatic demonstrations of such caring is in the area of safety, which (as has been said), is everyone's business from the Chief Executive Officer to the newest certified nursing assistant, housekeeper, or dining utility man. The significance of a sound safety program is far reaching. With such a safety program firmly in place, employees will not only feel that their employers care about their well being, but will recognize that each of them has an important role in the overall mission of the facility. If only one team member is absent due to a safety related accident, it will directly affect the workload of all the remaining employees. 15.00 04/30/2021 07/14/2022 4
Transportation in LTC (.75 Credits)(CE-1091) Resident transportation is a vital part of any long-term care operation. No matter whether the organization is a skilled nursing facility or a continuing care retirement community, the need for adequate and appropriate transportation is dictated not only by basic resident consideration, but by state and federal statutes. The federal Health and Human Services Requirements for Long- term Care Facilities, 42 CFR Part 483, Subpart B in part states that the facility must “assist the resident by arranging for transportation to and from the dentist’s office…” While this specific requirement does not dictate a requirement for the facility to operate and maintain transportation, it is responsible for arranging transportation for certain medical necessities. Transportation of long-term care residents can be a difficult issue since the transportation of elderly, especially the frail elderly, can create unique demands. Most facilities operate or rent/lease a vehicle that is used primarily for medical transport to and from not only dental appointments but other off site services such as medical specialists. 12.00 04/30/2021 07/14/2022 4